Family Ministry
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Title: Communication -- the life blood of family relationships
Are YOU an effective communicator? One of the vital skills of family life is listening and speaking. This workshop explores the characteristics of good communication. It is an interactive workshop -- you will be involved in communicating!
Title: The Pyramid of Priorities
In the busyness of life have you ever have trouble discerning whether or not you are doing the "best" things at the expense of doing the good things? This seminar walks you through the pyramid of priorities as presented by Paul. Very practical and thought provoking! The workshop ends with the apostle's four step program to help you refocus your life's priorities.
Title: Negative Dating -- Positive Waiting
This presentation shares with teens and their parents how today's dating practices lead young people into sexual impurity and increase the likelihood of future marriage troubles and divorce. It offers a plan of biblical action of waiting ... making the most of the "singleness season of life." Valuable for teens and their parents. Links well with "Camel Queen" seminar (see below) ...
Title: Choosing A Camel Queen (Mate Selection From Genesis 24)
An overview of the steps of mate selection as highlighted in Genesis 24. This fun and practical session will help teens, and single adults to think through the key issues of this most important process. Links well with "Negative Dating -- Positive Waiting" seminar.
Title: Families "R" We Weekends
House on the Rock offers churches a unique opportunity. We lead a weekend retreat that ministers to the entire family. Dads, moms, and children interact together around the acrostic FAMILY where each letter represents a dynamic of being a family: Faith building, Affirmation, Merriment, Identity, Love and Yore’ (yesterday, today and tomorrow legacy).