Living and Leaving Your Legacy
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Few things are more important than the "legacy" you are living and leaving your children! They will become what you have built into them ... socially, emotionally, and spiritually. But children are not the only people you are impacting! Friends, neighbors and people you work with will also be impacted by your life.
In many ways parenting is like 'bonsai,' the art of raising little trees. Gardeners do not make the tree grow ... God causes that to happen ... how strong it grows, and how it is shaped is determined by the bonsai artist. Gardeners control the environment in which growth occurs and prune the tree into its beautiful shape. Your children will grow ... how well and how they develop is determined by parents who "nurture and prune" throughout the process.
House on the Rock's Living and Leaving Your Legacy Seminar will challenge parents, especially fathers, to consider the heritages they are leaving ... as fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or as other significant male role models.
Part 1 will define and explain what a legacy is by helping you reflect on the legacy you inherited. The challenge: Keep what is good ... Refuse to pass on the bad.
Part 2 concentrates on encouraging you to become proactive in building your own legacy. This is accomplished by highlighting the ingredients needed to build strong families as outlined in Deuteronomy 6. You are encouraged to remember that: "We don't need to know more of what to do ... we need to do more of what we know !"
Part 3 will help you develop a specific action plan for implementing the material you have received in parts 1 and 2. You will use a planning worksheet along with monthly calendars to plan some proactive initiatives to make lasting impressions on your children. You will also be challenged to develop an accountability plan.
The seminar is presented in "Powerpoint" with handouts to facilitate note-taking.
This 6 - 8 hour seminar "packages" in a variety of ways ... a men's weekend retreat, an all day conference, a series of 4 or 5 special meetings, an adult VBS. elective ... etc.
We strongly recommend the excellent book The Heritage as a "text" for our seminar ...
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